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_h1 pForms {span {@ style="font-size:0.5em;"} (see also page [[raytrace]])} _p A few years ago, I have been working on points controlled geometries (curves, surfaces, volumes) through an original perspective, named pForms, ie Pascalian Forms. More infos (in french) can be seen in [[pForms 1|../index.php?view=pformes]] or in [[pForms 2|http://marty.alain.free.fr/pFwiki/?view=abstract]] and in an article (in english, PDF 4.8 Mb) downloadable from here : [[straightaway|http://marty.alain.free.fr/recherche/pformes/straightaway.pdf]]. _p The first development was done in the POV-Ray environment (macros language) and the second was in Sketchup (Ruby language). Here is an attempt to port this code in a browser (Javascript language). {div {@ style="position:relative;"} {canvas {@ id="mycanvas" width="600" height="600" style="background:#ffe; border:1px dashed black; box-shadow:0 0 8px black;"}} {span {@ style="position:absolute; left:10px; top:20px; width:120px; white-space:pre-wrap; text-align:right;" }{drag}1) camera Rot/X : {input {@ id="rotx" type="text" value="300" style="background:#ccc; width:50px; text-align:center;"}}{input {@ type="range" min="0" max="360" value="300" step="5" onchange="getId('rotx').value=this.value; getId('mycanvas').innerHTML = display('mycanvas');"}} Rot/Y : {input {@ id="roty" type="text" value="0" style="background:#ccc; width:50px; text-align:center;"}}{input {@ type="range" min="0" max="360" value="0" step="5" onchange="getId('roty').value=this.value; getId('mycanvas').innerHTML = display('mycanvas');"}} Rot/Z : {input {@ id="rotz" type="text" value="60" style="background:#ccc; width:50px; text-align:center;"}}{input {@ type="range" min="0" max="360" value="60" step="5" onchange="getId('rotz').value=this.value; getId('mycanvas').innerHTML = display('mycanvas');"}} focale : {input {@ id="focale" type="text" value="500" style="background:#ccc; width:50px; text-align:center;"}}{input {@ type="range" min="300" max="30000" value="300" step="100" onchange="getId('focale').value=this.value; getId('mycanvas').innerHTML = display('mycanvas');"}} scale : {input {@ id="scale" type="text" value="1" style="background:#ccc; width:30px; text-align:center;"}} {input {@ type="range" min="0.25" max="10" value="1" step="0.5" onchange="getId('scale').value=this.value; getId('mycanvas').innerHTML = display('mycanvas');"}}2) display srf (u|v|w) : {input {@ id="uv" type="text" value="u" style="background:#ccc; width:30px; text-align:center;"}} vol (u|v|w) : {input {@ id="uvw" type="text" value="w" style="background:#ccc; width:30px; text-align:center;"}} 3) figures type [1..24] {input {@ id="type" type="text" value="17" style="background:#ccc; width:30px; text-align:center;"}} {input {@ type="submit" value="draw" onclick="°° display = function ( can ) { var rotx = getId('rotx').value; var roty = getId('roty').value; var rotz = getId('rotz').value; var focale = getId('focale').value; // infinite -> orthographic projection var scale = getId('scale').value ; // choice of figure to be displayed var type = parseInt( getId('type').value ); var uv = getId('uv').value; var uvw = getId('uvw').value; var ctx = W3D.init2D( can ); W3D.init3D ( rotx, roty, rotz, focale, scale ); // W3D.init3D( 0, 0, 0, 500000, 2 ); // ortho on z PF_TEST.display ( ctx, type, uv, uvw ); } // test for a simple parabola _display = function ( can ) { // set the camera var scale = getId('scale').value ; var ctx = W3D.init2D( can ); W3D.init3D( 0, 0, 0, 500000, scale ); // define curve var d = 150; var P4 = [ {x:-d, y: d, z:0, w:1}, {x: 0, y:-3*d,z:0, w:1}, {x: d, y: d, z:0, w:1} ]; // draw curve ctx.save(); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.strokeStyle = '#f00'; ctx.lineWidth = 8; W3D.draw( PF.build( P4, 5 ) ); ctx.restore(); } getId('mycanvas').innerHTML = display('mycanvas'); °°"}} }} _h3 howto _p 1 include the 3D libraries : {input {@ type="submit" value="include lambda3D" onclick="°° var js = document.createElement('script'); js.src = 'plugins/lambda3D.js'; document.body.appendChild( js ); this.value = 'OK, lambda3D is included !'; this.disabled='disabled'; °°"}} {input {@ type="submit" value="include lambda3D_tests" onclick="°° var js = document.createElement('script'); js.src = 'plugins/lambda3D_tests.js'; document.body.appendChild( js ); this.value = 'OK, lambda3D_tests is included !'; this.disabled='disabled'; °°"}} _p 2) Click on "draw" to see something and then play with view and "figures" parameters. Sliders below each field "Rot/X, Rot/Y, Rot/Z, focale and scale" allow an interactive realtime move of the figures but are not recognized (yet) in Firefox ; you may try them in Chrome. Enjoy ! _h3 code {pre °° // this is the default display function calling // one of the 24 predefined figures : function display ( can ) { var rotx = getId('rotx').value; var roty = getId('roty').value; var rotz = getId('rotz').value; var focale = getId('focale').value; // infinite -> orthographic projection var scale = getId('scale').value ; // choice of figure to be displayed var type = parseInt( getId('type').value ); var uv = getId('uv').value; var uvw = getId('uvw').value; var ctx = W3D.init2D( can ); W3D.init3D ( rotx, roty, rotz, focale, scale ); // W3D.init3D( 0, 0, 0, 500000, 2 ); PF_TEST.display ( ctx, type, uv, uvw ); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // drawing a simple parabola on xOy axis // could be done with this display function : display = function ( can ) { // 1) set the camera for an orthographic projection on Oz var scale = getId('scale').value ; var ctx = W3D.init2D( can ); W3D.init3D( 0, 0, 0, 500000, scale ); // 2) define the parabola with 3 control points var d = 150; var P4 = [ {x:-d, y: d, z:0, w:1}, {x: 0, y:-3*d,z:0, w:1}, {x: d, y: d, z:0, w:1} ]; // 3) draw the parabola with thickness = 8px and color = red ctx.save(); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.strokeStyle = '#f00'; ctx.lineWidth = 8; W3D.draw( PF.build( P4, 5 ) ); ctx.restore(); } °°} _p The complete 3D code can be seen here : _ul [[3D code|plugins/lambda3D.js]]. _ul [[3D tests|plugins/lambda3D_tests.js]]. _h3 gallery _p Coming soon ... Meanwhile, you may play with the 24 predefined types of geometry.