2012/05/13 18:25:11 | ( {div {@ id:code; display:none; } °° toggle_display("cadre_editeur"); var d = new Date(); $('display_date').innerHTML = d.getDate() + '/' + (d.getMonth()+1) + '/'+d.getFullYear()+' '+d.getHours() + ':' + d.getMinutes(); °° } {submit {@ code:code; value:Open editor to post a message ...; }} {span {@ id:display_date;}} {h1 forum} {h6 Welcome} {p Feel free to insert a post in this forum. Click on "edit" and choose "Rafraichissement dynamique" to get a real-time display. You may easily guess the [[syntax]] ...} °°° ------------------------------------------------------------ °°° _post am 13/05/2012 18:26 _p Is there anybody here ??? _post cc 10/04/2012 23:45 _p Ne pas oublier RV Coco demain ! _post am 04/04/2012 21:33 _p This is an other one. It's up to you ! _post am 04/04/2012 21:32 _p This is a first post.