2012/04/27 15:56:46 | ( {h1 lisp wiki} {div id:ID; color:red; border:1px solid grey; {p Coming soon, a better syntax without the character '°°|°°' !} {p The new syntax will be : °°{first rest}°°} {p 1) where {b first} is the tag,} {p 2) and {b rest} contains optional "°°key:values;°°" expressions, °°{first rest}°° forms and words,} {p 21) "°°key:values;°°" expressions are extracted from {b rest} and saved as attributes of the tag, } {p 22) {b rest} becomes the content, } {p 3) then, HTML expressions are build with tag, attributes and content.} {p 27/04/2012} }