2012/04/26 09:44:00 | ( {h1 paint} {p Intégration dans lambdawiki d'un "crayon" interactif adapté du code de xxx. Par défaut le crayon a une épaisseur (size) de 20 pixels, une couleur bleue rgb(0,0,255) et se déplace sur une grille de 10 pixels. Ces valeurs sont modifiables en entrant les valeurs souhaitées dans les cellules du tableau ci-dessous. Cliquer sur le bouton "init" pour activer l'outil, sur le bouton "clear" pour tout effacer et sur le bouton "save" pour conserver une image (png) du résultat.} {p Un simple essai en phase test !} {table text-align:right; border:1px solid black; box-shadow:2px 2px 2px black; width:800px; | {tr {td red : {input id:red; code:code; width:200;|0}} {td green : {input id:green; code:code; width:200;|0}} {td blue : {input id:blue; code:code; width:200;|255}} } {tr {td size : {input id:size; width:200;|20}} {td grid : {input id:grid; width:200;|10}} {td id:colorSquare; background:blue; | } } {tr text-align:center;| {td {submit id:initButton; code:code; | init }} {td {submit id:saveButton; code:code; | save }} {td {submit id:clearButton; code:code; | clear }} } } {div margin-top:10px; |{canvas id:myCanvas; width:800; height:600; | }} {h6 code } {pre id:code; |_!! // adaptation d'un code écrit par xxx var Events = function(canvasId){ this.canvas = document.getElementById(canvasId); this.context = this.canvas.getContext("2d"); this.stage = undefined; this.listening = false; // desktop flags this.mousePos = null; this.mouseDown = false; this.mouseUp = false; this.mouseOver = false; this.mouseMove = false; // mobile flags this.touchPos = null; this.touchStart = false; this.touchMove = false; this.touchEnd = false; // Region Events this.currentRegion = null; this.regionIndex = 0; this.lastRegionIndex = -1; this.mouseOverRegionIndex = -1; }; // ======================================= GENERAL ======================================= Events.prototype.getContext = function(){ return this.context; }; Events.prototype.getCanvas = function(){ return this.canvas; }; Events.prototype.clear = function(){ this.context.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height); }; Events.prototype.getCanvasPos = function(){ var obj = this.getCanvas(); var top = 0; var left = 0; while (obj.tagName != "BODY") { top += obj.offsetTop; left += obj.offsetLeft; obj = obj.offsetParent; } return { top: top, left: left }; }; Events.prototype.setStage = function(func){ this.stage = func; this.listen(); }; // ======================================= CANVAS EVENTS ======================================= Events.prototype.reset = function(evt){ if (!evt) { evt = window.event; } this.setMousePosition(evt); this.setTouchPosition(evt); this.regionIndex = 0; if (this.stage !== undefined) { this.stage(); } // desktop flags this.mouseOver = false; this.mouseMove = false; this.mouseDown = false; this.mouseUp = false; // mobile touch flags this.touchStart = false; this.touchMove = false; this.touchEnd = false; }; Events.prototype.listen = function(){ var that = this; if (this.stage !== undefined) { this.stage(); } // desktop events this.canvas.addEventListener("mousedown", function(evt){ that.mouseDown = true; that.reset(evt); }, false); this.canvas.addEventListener("mousemove", function(evt){ that.reset(evt); }, false); this.canvas.addEventListener("mouseup", function(evt){ that.mouseUp = true; that.reset(evt); }, false); this.canvas.addEventListener("mouseover", function(evt){ that.reset(evt); }, false); this.canvas.addEventListener("mouseout", function(evt){ that.mousePos = null; }, false); // mobile events this.canvas.addEventListener("touchstart", function(evt){ evt.preventDefault(); that.touchStart = true; that.reset(evt); }, false); this.canvas.addEventListener("touchmove", function(evt){ evt.preventDefault(); that.reset(evt); }, false); this.canvas.addEventListener("touchend", function(evt){ evt.preventDefault(); that.touchEnd = true; that.reset(evt); }, false); }; Events.prototype.getMousePos = function(evt){ return this.mousePos; }; Events.prototype.getTouchPos = function(evt){ return this.touchPos; }; Events.prototype.setMousePosition = function(evt){ var mouseX = evt.clientX - this.getCanvasPos().left + window.pageXOffset; var mouseY = evt.clientY - this.getCanvasPos().top + window.pageYOffset; this.mousePos = { x: mouseX, y: mouseY }; }; Events.prototype.setTouchPosition = function(evt){ if (evt.touches !== undefined && evt.touches.length == 1) { // Only deal with one finger var touch = evt.touches[0]; // Get the information for finger #1 var touchX = touch.pageX - this.getCanvasPos().left + window.pageXOffset; var touchY = touch.pageY - this.getCanvasPos().top + window.pageYOffset; this.touchPos = { x: touchX, y: touchY }; } }; // ======================================= REGION EVENTS ======================================= Events.prototype.beginRegion = function(){ this.currentRegion = {}; this.regionIndex++; }; Events.prototype.addRegionEventListener = function(type, func){ var event = (type.indexOf('touch') == -1) ? 'on' + type : type; this.currentRegion[event] = func; }; Events.prototype.closeRegion = function(){ var pos = this.touchPos || this.mousePos; if (pos !== null && this.context.isPointInPath(pos.x, pos.y)) { if (this.lastRegionIndex != this.regionIndex) { this.lastRegionIndex = this.regionIndex; } // handle onmousedown if (this.mouseDown && this.currentRegion.onmousedown !== undefined) { this.currentRegion.onmousedown(); this.mouseDown = false; } // handle onmouseup else if (this.mouseUp && this.currentRegion.onmouseup !== undefined) { this.currentRegion.onmouseup(); this.mouseUp = false; } // handle onmouseover else if (!this.mouseOver && this.regionIndex != this.mouseOverRegionIndex && this.currentRegion.onmouseover !== undefined) { this.currentRegion.onmouseover(); this.mouseOver = true; this.mouseOverRegionIndex = this.regionIndex; } // handle onmousemove else if (!this.mouseMove && this.currentRegion.onmousemove !== undefined) { this.currentRegion.onmousemove(); this.mouseMove = true; } // handle touchstart if (this.touchStart && this.currentRegion.touchstart !== undefined) { this.currentRegion.touchstart(); this.touchStart = false; } // handle touchend if (this.touchEnd && this.currentRegion.touchend !== undefined) { this.currentRegion.touchend(); this.touchEnd = false; } // handle touchmove if (!this.touchMove && this.currentRegion.touchmove !== undefined) { this.currentRegion.touchmove(); this.touchMove = true; } } else if (this.regionIndex == this.lastRegionIndex) { this.lastRegionIndex = -1; this.mouseOverRegionIndex = -1; // handle mouseout condition if (this.currentRegion.onmouseout !== undefined) { this.currentRegion.onmouseout(); } } }; function addPoint(events, points, grid){ var context = events.getContext(); var drawingPos = events.getMousePos(); // ajout d'une grille drawingPos.x = Math.round( drawingPos.x/g_grid )*g_grid; drawingPos.y = Math.round( drawingPos.y/g_grid )*g_grid; // ajout d'une grille if (drawingPos !== null) { points.push(drawingPos); } } function drawPath(canvas, points, canvasImg){ var context = canvas.getContext("2d"); // clear canvas context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); // redraw canvas before path context.drawImage(canvasImg, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); // draw patch context.beginPath(); context.lineTo(points[0].x, points[0].y); for (var n = 1; n < points.length; n++) { var point = points[n]; context.lineTo(point.x, point.y); } context.stroke(); } function updateColorSquare(){ var red = document.getElementById("red").value; var green = document.getElementById("green").value; var blue = document.getElementById("blue").value; var colorSquare = document.getElementById("colorSquare"); colorSquare.style.backgroundColor = "rgb(" + red + "," + green + "," + blue + ")"; } function getCanvasImg(canvas){ var img = new Image(); img.src = canvas.toDataURL(); return img; } var points = []; var init = function() { var events = new Events("myCanvas"); var canvas = events.getCanvas(); var context = events.getContext(); var isMouseDown = false; var canvasImg = getCanvasImg(canvas); // var points = []; // initialize drawing params var red = document.getElementById("red").value; var green = document.getElementById("green").value; var blue = document.getElementById("blue").value; var size = document.getElementById("size").value; var grid = document.getElementById("grid").value; // attach listeners document.getElementById("red").addEventListener("keyup", function(evt){ updateColorSquare(); }, false); document.getElementById("green").addEventListener("keyup", function(evt){ updateColorSquare(); }, false); document.getElementById("blue").addEventListener("keyup", function(evt){ updateColorSquare(); }, false); document.getElementById("clearButton").addEventListener("click", function(evt){ events.clear(); points = []; console.log( points ); canvasImg = getCanvasImg(canvas); }, false); // open new window with saved image so user, can right click and save to their computer document.getElementById("saveButton").addEventListener("click", function(evt){ window.open(canvas.toDataURL()); }, false); // attach listeners to canvas canvas.addEventListener("mousedown", function(){ // update drawing params red = document.getElementById("red").value; green = document.getElementById("green").value; blue = document.getElementById("blue").value; size = document.getElementById("size").value; g_grid = document.getElementById("grid").value; // ajout d'une grille // start drawing path context.strokeStyle = "rgb(" + red + "," + green + "," + blue + ")"; context.lineWidth = size; context.lineJoin = "round"; context.lineCap = "round"; addPoint(events, points, grid); isMouseDown = true; }, false); canvas.addEventListener("mouseup", function(){ isMouseDown = false; if (points.length > 0) { drawPath(this, points, canvasImg); // reset points points = []; } canvasImg = getCanvasImg(this); }, false); canvas.addEventListener("mouseout", function(){ if (document.createEvent) { var evt = document.createEvent('MouseEvents'); evt.initEvent("mouseup", true, false); this.dispatchEvent(evt); } else { this.fireEvent("onmouseup"); } }, false); events.setStage(function(){ if (isMouseDown) { addPoint(this, points, grid); drawPath(canvas, points, canvasImg); } }); }; // window.onload = init(); document.getElementById("initButton").onclick = init(); !!_}