2012/06/25 19:46:30 | ( °°° IMAGE °°° {div {@ position:absolute; top:100px;} {img {@ height:400; src:data/ward_cunningham.jpg;} Ward Cunningham, l'initiateur du concept WIKI, très inspiré par HyperCard.}} °°° BEGIN ROTATED TEXT BOX °°° {div {@ position:relative; top:10px; left:300px; width:500px; border:1px dashed #888; text-align:center; padding:10px; opacity:0.9; background:#fff url('data/amelie_sepia.jpg') bottom right no-repeat; -webkit-transform:rotate(-5deg); -moz-transform:rotate(-5deg); -o-transform:rotate(-5deg); transform:rotate(-5deg); -webkit-box-shadow:0px 0px 15px black; -moz-box-shadow:0px 0px 15px black; -o-box-shadow:0px 0px 15px black; box-shadow:0px 0px 15px black; margin-bottom:-50px; } {drag} {h1 °°{lambda wiki}°° } {center {@ color:red;} last update on 2012|06|25 } {p As a workshop of the [[epsilonwiki|../]]'s project, this {a {@ href:http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ward_Cunningham;} wiki } shows a work in progress on a wiki syntax inspired of {b LISP}'s {note_start {@ id:lisp;} syntax}. You can look at the {a {@ href:meca/parser.js;} parser's code }, can play in the {a sandbox} and post something in the {a forum}.} {note_end {@ id:lisp;} {blockquote {b LISP}'s syntax was created by John McCarthy 1958 following the {b λ-calculus}' syntax created by Alonzo Church (1930) of whom Alan Turing was a student.}} {ul {a help} for installlation and more...} {ul playing with syntax :} {ul30 {a syntax}, {a parser}, {a evaluation}, {a tracing}} {ul30 {a functions}, {a booleans}, {a iterations}} {ul30 {a recursion}, {a tail_recursion}} {ul30 {a user_tags}, {a milestone}} {ul {a lisp}, {a jQuery}, {a emacs}, {a hypercard}, ...} {ul {a lambda-calculus}, {a turing} machine} {ul examples : } {ul30 {a {@ alias:lambda;} page test} } {ul30 playing with {a {@ alias:factorielle;} factorial}} {ul30 {a arithmetique} for dummies} {ul30 {a BST} binary search tree} {ul30 {a ile} mystérieuse (fat text file of 1.2Mo)} {ul30 starting a {a wikicalc}} {ul30 {a styles} and {u {a styles_2}}} {ul30 {a contenteditable}} {ul working with Canvas :} {ul30 {a {@ alias:canvas:helloworld;} Hello World}} {ul30 {a {@ alias:canvas:bezier;} bezier} curves } {ul30 {a {@ alias:canvas:shapes1;} shapes 1} and {a {@ alias:canvas:shapes2;} shapes 2} } {ul30 {a pencil} and {a paint}} {ul various things :} {ul30 {a include} external javascript code } {ul30 {a video}} {ul30 {a smultron}} {ul30 {a fading}} {ul30 {a latex} } {ul30 {a poster}} {ul30 {a {@ href:http://marty.alain.free.fr/01design.8;} risc}} {ul {a forum}} {ul {a sandbox}} {p It's a work in progress ! } {p {i {a {@ href:../;} alain marty} }} °°° END ROTATED TEXT BOX °°° }