2012/05/05 09:52:40 | ( {center {@ color:red;}unfinished document on 05/05/2012} {div {@ text-align:center; font:bold 4em courier; color:red;} °°{first rest}°° } _h2 1) general form _p The general form choosen for the λ-wiki syntax is : {div {@ text-align:center; font-size:2em; font-weight:bold;} °°{first rest}°° } _p where : _ul {b « first »} is a {b tag} followed by an optional {b °°{@ key:value;}°°} form, _ul {b « rest »} is a sequence of words and/or of {b °°{first rest}°°} forms. {h6 example} {pre {@ white-space:pre-wrap;}°° // 1) minified text : {div {@ border:1px solid grey; background:#ffe url('data/fond.jpg') no-repeat center center;}{p {@ color:red;} This is a paragraph with a {b fat word} and a dot.}{p This is another one with an {u {i underlined italic word}}}{div {@ border:2px solid red; width:100px; padding:5px;}{img {@ src:data/amelie_sepia.jpg; height:100;} infobulle }}} // 2) written in a more writeable and readable way : {div {@ border:1px solid grey; background:#ffe url('data/fond.jpg') no-repeat center center;} {p {@ color:red;} This is a paragraph with a {b fat word} and a dot.} {p This is another one with an {u {i underlined italic word}}} {div {@ border:2px solid red; width:100px; padding:5px;} {img {@ src:data/amelie_sepia.jpg; height:100;} infobulle } } } // 3) burst in several lines to show the tree structure : {div {@ border:1px solid grey; background:#ffe url('data/fond.jpg') no-repeat center center ; } {p {@ color:red; } This is a paragraph with a {b fat word } and a dot. } {p This is another one with an {u {i underlined italic word } } } {div {@ border:2px solid red; width:100px; padding:5px; } {img {@ src:data/amelie_sepia.jpg; height:100; } infotexte } } } °°} _h2 2) tags list _p Following the list of the forms actually recognized by the parser. {pre °° // The two syntax {tag {@ ...} ... } and _tag{ {@ ...} ... } are equivalent. 1) 22 basic HTML tags : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {tag {@ id:ID; class:CLASS; ... css:value;... } sequence of words } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- where tag is : span : a sequence of words inline div : a sequence of words between two carriage return pre : a sequence of words formated such as it is center : a centered sequence of words between two carriage return blockquote : a special display between two carriage return table tr td : a table with rows and celles hx : titles with x = 1..6 ( simplified alternative form : _hx ... CR ) p : paragraph ( simplified alternative form : _p ... CR ) b i u : bold, italic and underline sup sub : exposant and indice br hr : carriages return without and with a line 2) unordered and ordered lists : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {ulxx sequence of words } where xx is an integer {olxx sequence of words } ( simplified alternative form : _ulxx ... CR ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3) columns : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {columnxx sequence of words } where xx is an integer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4) links : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {a {@ href:URL;} website's name } {a {@ alias:page_name;} another page name } {a {@ name:pixar; href:URL#; } anchor name} {a wiki page} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5) notes : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {note {@ id:sequence of words;} sequence of words } {note_start {@ id:ID;} sequence of words } {note_end {@ id:ID; css:value; } sequence of words } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6) images : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {img {@ src:URL; height:integer; css:value; } sequence of words } {show {@ src:URL; height:integer; width:integer; } sequence of words } {diapo {@ height:integer; } ... [URL sequence of words] ... } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7) iframe, embed and canvas : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {iframe {@ src:URL; height:integer; width:integer; css:value; }} {embed {@ src:URL; height:integer; width:integer; css:value; autoplay:true|false; }} {canvas {@ id:ID; height:integer; width:integer; css:value; } sequence of words } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8) input and submit buttons, eval function ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {input {@ id:ID; code:code; value:sequence of words;; width:integer; css:value; }} {submit {@ id:ID; code:code; value:sequence of words; }} {eval a valid mathematical expression } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9) other tags ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {mailto valid e-mail } {back sequence of words } {post pseudo date } {drag} parent div must have defined position, top and left {? ... } unknown tag {@ key:value; } the special form for embedding "key:value;" attributes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10) comments, code display and inline block editing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ••• comment ••• where • is for ° •• code display •• where • is for ° §xx where xx is an integer sequence of words § ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- °°}