{λ way}
{splashscreen} {div {bloc 2.0 #fff #000} {div {@ style="text-align:center; font:bold 2.0em courier; box-shadow:0 0 8px #000"} This workshop is closed, {br}the next one is [[here|http://lambdaway.free.fr/]]!} {p The {b '{lambda way}} project is built on two engines:} {ul {li {b '{lambda tank}}, a tiny wiki built as a thin overlay on top of any web browser,} {li {b '{lambda talk}}, a purely functional language unifying writing, styling and scripting in a single and coherent syntax,} } {p allowing a collaborative work between authors, web designers and coders for creating and sharing rich documents on the web.} {p More to read in this [[quick introduction|?view=com3]].} } {div {bloc 2.0 #444 #fff} {p The {b '{lambda way}} project is free and its installation straightforward, [[download & install|?view=download]]. This wiki is not only a showroom, it's a workshop generating pages where {b '{lambda talk}} is systematically (and randomly) tested as a {i programmable programming language} for web design, mathematics, graphics and various other things. _p These pages are listed in the following columns. If you are short in time, you could take a look at this small [[introduction|?view=com3]] or this quick [[overview]], else if you want a more deeper introduction, you could read [[λ-talk|?view=lambdatalk three]] {sup (3)}, [[krakow]], [[brussels|?view=brussels_slides]] or, why not, [[teaching]], and then randomly browse some other links listed below:} } {div {bloc 1.0 #fff #000} {{column #eff} {b introduction} {{big 2.0} [[λ promo.|?view=lambdapub]]} {{big 1.5}[[overview]]} {{big 1.5} [[primal]]} {{big 1.0}quick [[(1)|?view=slides2]] [[(2)|?view=quick]] [[(3)|?view=quick2]] [[(4)|?view=quick3]]} {{big 2.0} [[com|?view=com3]]} λ-talk [[(1)|?view=lambdatalk one]] [[(2)|?view=lambdatalk two]] [[(3)|?view=lambdatalk three]] {{big 2.0}[[λ-way|?view=lambdaway]]} (fr) {{big 2.0}[[decouverte]]} (fr) {{big 1.0}[[λ-tank|?view=lambdatank]]} {{big 2.0} [[download]]} [[copyleft]] {{big 1.5}[[comments]]} {{big 2.0} [[forum]]} [[question]] [[read2write]] [[seven_days]] [[teaching]] [[reference]] [[console]] [[engine]] [[future]] [[book]] [[sandbox]] {b papers} [[ELS_2014|http://epsilonwiki.free.fr/ELS_YAW/?view=YAW]] | ([[PDF|http://epsilonwiki.free.fr/alphawiki_2/data/ELS_YAW_20140419.pdf]]) [[SFPW_2014|../SFPW_2014/]] [[ELS_2015|http://epsilonwiki.free.fr/alphawiki_2/?view=syntax_others_ELS_2015]] | ([[PDF|http://epsilonwiki.free.fr/alphawiki_2/data/ELS_LAMBDATALK_20150403.pdf]]) {{big 1.0} [[krakow]]} [[ELS_2017]] {{big 2.0} [[brussels_paper|?view=brussels_new]]} {{big 2.0} [[brussels_slides|?view=brussels_slides]]} {b links} [[github/amarty66|https://github.com/amarty66]] [[alphawiki++|../alphawiki_2/]] [[epsilonwiki|../epsilonwiki/]] (fr) [[ward.asia.wiki.org|http://ward.asia.wiki.org/view/testing-microtalk]] [[codage-composants|http://ensam.wiki.free.fr/codage_composants/]] (fr) [[conferences|http://marty.alain.free.fr/confs]] (fr) [[rue74|http://www.rue74.fr]] (fr) [[erasmus|http://www.rue74.fr/erasmus]] (fr|en) [[romane|http://rue74.fr/F6/romane/]] (fr) [[rosetta]] [[scheme|http://www.scheme.com/tspl4/]] [[lispy|http://pythonpracticeprojects.com/lisp.html]] [[newlisp]] [[picolisp|http://picolisp.com/wiki/]] [[lispyscript|http://lispyscript.com/]] [[little-lisp|https://www.recurse.com/blog/21-little-lisp-interpreter]] [[bulk.webresizer.com/|https://bulk.webresizer.com/]] [[ycombinator.com/martyalain|https://news.ycombinator.com/threads?id=martyalain]] [[links]] random... } {{column #fef} {b lambdatalk} [[@]] [[#|?view=hashes]] {{big 6.0} [[6!]]} [[arrays]] [[AST]] {{big 2.0}[[BAR]]} {{big 2.0}[[Bsearch|?view=binary_search]]} {{big 2.0} [[BT]] | [[BTA]]} [[btrees]] {{big 2.0}[[church]]} [[C numbers|?view=complex numbers]] [[codeasdata]] [[concurrent]] [[continuation]] [[delay_force]] [[delaylisp|../alphawiki_2/data/delaylisp/]] [[first_class]] [[fold]] {{big 4.0} [[FOO}|?view=FOO]] [[HTML]] [[ide]] {{big 1.5} [[if]] | [[lif]] | [[next_if]]} [[insertion_sort]] [[JP-Roy]] (fr) [[jslisp]] [[JS.js|meca/JS.js]] [[kons]] [[lambda]] | [[closure]] | [[curry]] | [[closure_vs_partial]] {{big 2.0} [[λ calculus|?view=lambda_calculus]]} [[LAMBDACALC|../LAMBDACALC/]] {{big 2.0} [[λ lisp|?view=lambdalisp]]} {{big 1.5} [[lambdaspeech]]} [[lexical]] [[lessismore]] [[lessismore_2]] [[let]] [[lexical]] [[lists]] [[macCarthy]] [[macros]] | [[macro_quote]] | [[swap]] [[map]] [[matterOfChoice]] [[monodicolisp]] [[next_prev]] [[nested_lets]] [[object]] [[pairs]] [[parallel]] [[quote]] [[R numbers|?view=rational numbers]] {{big 3.0} [[recursion]]} [[regexp]] [[replace]] [[reverse]] [[SALT]] [[SLA]] [[static_dynamic]] [[sumlists]] [[trace]] {{big 2.0}[[turing]]} [[ul]] [[underground]] [[varargs]] [[vector 2D]] [[vector 3D]] {{big 2.0}[[word2talk]]} {{big 2.0}[[word2talk{sup (rec)}|?view=lambdacalculusWITHrecursion]]} [[Ycombinator]] } {{column #ffe} {b maths} {{big 1.5}[[bignums]] | [[bignum]]} {{big 1.5}[[bigfac]]} [[catenary]] [[cubics]] [[decasteljau]] {{big 2.0}[[pascalian|?view=pascalian_2]]} [[dec2bin]] [[derivatives]] [[derivatives_2]] [[equation]] {{big 1.0}[[eratosthenes]]} [[euler]] [[even_odd]] [[fibonacci]] | [[ifibo]] {{big 3.0}[[heron]]} {{big 3.0}[[hilbert]]} [[horner]] [[horner_newton]] [[integration]] [[invert]] {{big 1.5}[[isprime]]} [[lambdasheet]] [[lambdatree]] [[laplace]] [[long_mult]] [[mandel]] [[mathLT]] [[maxwell]] [[newton]] [[pascal]] {{big 1.0}[[pforms]]} {{big 3.0}[[PI]]} [[pLn]] {{big 2.0} [[polynomials]]} [[primes]]|[[primes2]]|[[factors]] {{big 1.0}[[raytracing]] } [[say_numbers]] [[spline]] {{big 2.0}[[sqrt]]} [[sum_square_odds]] [[triangle]] [[turtle]] [[unity]] {b user libraries} [[lib_about]] [[lib_agora]] [[lib_bignum]] [[lib_chrono]] [[lib_Cnumbers|?view=lib_complex_numbers]] [[lib_decasteljau]] [[lib_infobulle]] [[lib_JS_clock]] [[lib_lambdaray]] [[lib_lambdaray_tests]] [[lib_lambda3D]] [[lib_lambda3D_tests]] [[lib_lists]] [[lib_mandel]] [[lib_mathLT]] [[lib_Rnumbers|?view=lib_rational_numbers]] [[lib_silverbox]] [[lib_spreadsheet]] [[lib_SVG_clock]] [[lib_turtle]] [[lib_vector2D]] [[lib_wide_picts]] } {{column #eef} {b various things} [[3Dcube]] [[3Droom]] [[agora]] [[album|?view=piafs]] (fr) [[amelie]] [[anchor]] [[angular]] [[arquitectura]] [[animation]] [[background_grid]] [[barnsley]] [[bezier]] [[blocknote]] [[calendar]] (fr) [[canopy]] [[checkerboard]] [[clock]] {{big 1.0}[[clock2]]} [[contenteditable]] [[curl]] [[date]] {{big 1.0}[[days]]} [[dodecaphony]] [[draggable]] [[editable]] [[Eliza]] (fr) [[encryption]] [[expandPicts]] [[fizzbuzz]] [[fonts]] [[geluck]] [[gymnopedie]] [[hugo]] [[iframe]] [[image_map]] {{big 1.0}[[image_slider]]} [[input]] [[inslide|?view=insllide]] [[jules_verne]] (fr) {{big 1.0} [[klipse]]} [[KWIC]] [[LaTeX|?view=latex]] [[latin]] [[lifted]] [[lightbox]] [[LML]] [[localStorage]] [[menu]] | [[menu2]] [[mies|../alphawiki_2/?view=stock_webdesign_mies]] [[minibox]] [[notes]] [[paint]] [[pencil]] [[PDF]] [[pictures]] [[popup]] [[poster]] {{big 1.0}[[rand_picts|?view=random_pictures]]} [[ruby]] [[say_day]] {{big 2.0}[[section_edit]]} {{big 2.0}[[secondesto]]} {{big 4.0} [[sheet]]} [[shell|../alphawiki/?view=shell]] [[show]] | [[SHOW|?view=STY]] [[showpict]] [[simulation]] [[simple_show]] [[skribe]] [[silverthumb]] {{big 1.5}[[slides]]} {{big 2.5}[[slideshow]]} [[stars]] [[SVG]] [[SVG_animation]] [[SVG_circle]] [[SVG_clock]] [[SXML]] [[TOC]] {{big 1.5}[[view_switcher]]} [[vw]] [[ward cunningham|?view=ward]] [[watch]] [[wide_picts]] [[wide_style]] {{big 1.0}[[wooden_house]]} [[words]] } } {center {{big 1.5}Take a look at this page [[comments]]. Yours are welcome in page [[forum]]!} {br} {i Alain Marty | last updtate: 2017/05/15} } {require lib_JS_clock} {div {@ style="position:absolute; top:10.0em; left:0; width:100%; margin:auto;"} {center {clock 200}} } {{hide} ;; user defined functions {def splashscreen {div {@ style="position:relative; top:0; left:0; text-align:center; color:white; text-shadow:0 0 8px black;"} {img {@ src="data/mies_pav.jpg" width="100%" title="Pavilion Barcelona | Mies Van der Rohe"}} {div {@ style="position:absolute; bottom:0.5em; left:0; width:100%; font:bold 8em optima; opacity:1.0"} '{lambda way} } {div {@ style="position:absolute; bottom:0.5em; left:0; width:100%; font:italic 3em optima;"} {quote /\{([^\s{}]*)(?:[\s]*)([^{}]*)\}/g }} }} {def bloc {lambda {:siz :back :col} {@ style="font-size::sizem; background::back; color::col; padding:0.5em 4.0em;"} }} {def big {lambda {:siz} span {@ style="font-size::sizem"}}} {def column {lambda {:back} div {@ style="display:inline-block; width:20%; padding:0.5em; white-space:pre-wrap; vertical-align:top; background-color::back; text-align:left;"}}} } ;; end hide {style °° body { background:#444; } #title { display:none;} #frame_view { width:100%; background:#444; color:#fff; margin:0; padding:0; box-shadow:0 0 0; border:0; } °°}